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Listing ID:230902
Title:Air Ambulance Service in Chennai | medical air ambulance | ICATT
Description:Air Ambulance Service A Specialised Air Ambulance Service, ICATT is the only Comprehensive Patient Transfer Solution that is owned and led by doctors with over 14 years of domain knowledge and experience in the field of AeroMedical Transfers. Our doctors have gone through one of the world’s best training programs in the UK in Critical care/ Anaesthesia, Pre-hospital Emergency Medicine and ECMO (Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenator). The gruelling training of our doctors at the NHS (National Health Service) has helped incorporate the culture of clinical governance. Our highly trained team of doctors and paramedics have taken this opportunity to introduce the same system in India under ICATT.
Category:Top » Health » Travel Health and Medicine
Owner Name:Dr Rahul Singh Sardar

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