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Meeting ReadersMagnet in Miami - https://www.onecaregiversjourney.com/meeting-readersmagnet-in-miami My book, “One Caregiver’s Journey”, was published in March, 2019. Just prior to launching on Amazon, I was contacted by ReadersMagnet asking if they could collaborate with me on marketing and promoting the book. I was skeptical of the offer and asked a good friend to help review the information and he concluded that Readers Magnet is indeed a credible entity. In the months since, I have developed a relationship with my “team”. I feel that I can honestly trust their judgment and openly question their suggestions. Their work is professional and I have been pleased when projects are fulfilled and completed beyond my expectations. Yes, you need a satchel of cash to self-publish, market and promote a book, but that is balanced with the experience which, for me, has been educational and exciting. [ Link Details ] |
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Daughters of Twilight - https://www.daughtersoftwilight.com The special tactical teams had been trained for normal encounters with flesh and blood… not supernatural beings. A quiet little city in the Midwest town of Waterloo, Iowa is about to come to life… with angels! [ Link Details ] |
HEALING AND TRANSFORMATION: Moving from the Ordinary to the Extraordinary by Eric Alsterberg, Ph.D. - http://ericalsterbergbooks.com HEALING AND TRANSFORMATION: Moving from the Ordinary to the Extraordinary by Eric Alsterberg, Ph.D. Do you want to transform your life? Would you like a connection with the divine within yourself to create an intimate and sacred relationship with God? Healing and Transformation: Moving from the Ordinary to the Extraordinary by Dr. Eric Alsterberg is a revolutionary how-to manual that will inspire you to recognize and understand the voice of the Higher Being that speaks within each of us. [ Link Details ] |
William and Tibby Forever by Lynda Hamblen - https://www.williamandtibbybook.com/ William and Tibby Forever is an uplifting cat’s tale about life that never ends and love that never dies. It tells of a cat’s view of life on earth and in heaven. The book is a story of William and Tibby, two cats nurtured by a compassionate woman, and their learning experiences that shape their characters. Follow William and Tibby as they learn together that life is a treasure box that holds joys and sorrow, laughter and tears, and loss and discovery. [ Link Details ] |
The VIP Christian by Abraham Joseph Ajenifuja - https://www.abrahamjoseph.co/ “The VIP Christian” is a non-fiction Christian, spiritual development and discipleship book. Although, written from the Christian perspective and primarily for Christians, the principle described in the book is universal and beneficial to the Spiritually Aware Individual. [ Link Details ] |
The Utgarda Trilogy by Joab Stieglitz - https://www.joabstieglitzbooks.com/ The Utgarda Trilogy contains the first three adventures of Russian anthropologist Anna Rykov, doctor Harry Lamb, and Father Sean O'Malley: The Old Man's Request, The Missing Medium, and The Other Realm. Also included are original character concept descriptions, monster concept images, the map of Brian Teplow's imaginary world, and cover concept drawings. [ Link Details ] |
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Select the Gender of your baby using natural Methods - http://www.naturalbabyselection.com/ Throughout history and all over the world, people have tried to predict and select the gender of their children using various means. We will review a few of the most popular methods from folk traditions, old wives’ tales, modern science, and various other opinions. [ Link Details ] |
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Best Vastu Books - http://bestvastubooks.com This is an excellent book for the aspirants who want to know about basic Vastu principles. After reading this book thoroughly, one can design his house as per Vastu Shastra. One can also know what are the Vastu defects in his house or office. understand the Vedic Vastu & its traditional aspects through very easy and simple methods. [ Link Details ] |
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Riya Jain | lifestyle blog - http://www.glowaglitter.com this website is all about lifestyle. It will help you improve and maintain yourself in every way. It includes fashion tips, beauty glow tips, advice, motivation and DIY craft as well. [ Link Details ] |
The Blood in the Darkness-a Jack the Ripper novel - http://www.joelgoulet.com A Joel Goulet novel. 1888, Whitechapel, London. Five women slain. Oliver, a.k.a. Jack the Ripper, was pleased with his bloody killing. He meets a man named Freddy who is a vampire-like being. Oliver serves his master, doing the killing in Whitechapel so Freddy has a source of fresh blood. A freakish accident has him at death’s door. Freddy gives Oliver some of his blood, making young Oliver immortal like him. Buy it starting at $3.00, or read it free at Amazon. EBook and print. [ Link Details ] |
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Lab coats in Chandigarh - https://www.amitbookdepot.com/ Amit Book Depot is a famous wholesale stationary store in Chandigarh also a place to get high quality lab coats in chandigarh. Visit us for more information [ Link Details ] |
ReadersMagnet Review - https://www.readersmagnet.biz ReadersMagnet Review is a repository of various stories and interests reviewed by ReadersMagnet. In line with our commitment to sharing stories with the world, ReadersMagnet Review aims to provide our visitors with our own detailed and comprehensive storytelling of things, events, ideas, and narratives that we think are worth reading about. [ Link Details ] |
The Healing Bowl - https://www.anitarfisk.com Seventh grade is the turning point for many middle schoolers. So it is for Harley and his best friend TJ at JFK Middle School. They are part of a quartet of close friends growing up in a cul-de-sac. These friends discover that people are not always who they seem to be, even teachers. [ Link Details ] |
The Patchwork Princess - https://conniesarnold.com The king sends out an invitation for the brave knights in his kingdom to attempt the rescue of his beautiful daughter from Terrance The Terrible’s ten-story tower. The black knight must be defeated, and the dragon must be slain. Who will be brave enough? [ Link Details ] |
Fundamental Keyboarding Skills by Denise Rolanda Chambers - http://typingright.com Typing and developing keyboarding skills have a common goal from the typewriter to the computer the paper is formatted on 8-1/2" (across) by 11" (down) paper called the portrait position. Page 3 reviews common basics in measurement of how characters are perceived via the fonts on paper. [ Link Details ] |
Then Sings My Soul by Doreen L. Hatton - https://www.hattonthensingsmysoul.com Then Sings My Soul is a stirring novel that follows the Langston family, comprised of Samuel Langston, his wife Lily, and their daughters, whose lives are forever changed when Samuel is accidentally killed by a fifteen-year-old driver named Aaron Turner late one night when Samuel is crossing the street—and it is while dealing with the aftermath of grief that the Langston women and Aaron discover a shared bond in music that may be their path to healing and forgiveness. [ Link Details ] |
The Other Side of Love - https://www.artgbooks.com/ When Conrad Arlington Hill is suddenly dumped by his girlfriend, Abigail McCloud, he suffers irreparable hurt. So much that he conspires with his friend Ed to seek revenge on Abigail. His plan fails however, when Ed and Abigail manifest a love for each other. Conrad, whose body is now ravaged and consumed with hatred, goes on a mission of relentless revenge. He employs an underworld figure to force Ed to abandon Abigail and never see her again. Abigail is so distraught with Ed’s departure she needs a two-month stay in a mental institution to recover. [ Link Details ] |
Mark of the beast by Fritcha - https://www.heartofgodvoice.com/book/ Preoccupation with earthly endeavors steals people’s focus, so that the Voice of Truth they truly need to hear is diminished, most of the time, to mere whispers. Sadly, the voice people hear the most is their own voice, which has inhaled the voice of the cultural environment around them, leading them to perceive truth from these resounding voices which are vying for attention daily. However, the biased truth people are absorbing on a regular basis is not from The One Who is Truth. [ Link Details ] |
Give your life away by gregory mcleod - https://www.mcleodgregory.com/book/ The Apathetical Man will change your life for the good or for no reason at all, bu t there are powerful stories and words written in this book to give you a hope greater than what you have if you have not received your spiritual awakening. I take no glory in writing this book for it is written for people in my life. I just put it in the words on paper. This book has many emotions you will face. There is suffering, revelations, visions, and power in the words that are spoken.. I was down and out many years ago and I asked God, “What can a sinner like me offer you?”, and he said with a low powerful voice, “Give your life away.” That is when I started writing this book. You are my friends if you read this book. I will relate to you as my friends. Jesus—The Way, the Truth, the Life—gives me hope for today. This book will stand out with the encouragement to change if you need to. It is a book with short stories that are true. This book is true. Nothing in this book will lead you on the wrong path. It is meant for change. For the better, so that you may experience a happy normal life. This book will keep you interested. I’m confident when you read this book, The Apathetical Man, your eyes will be opened to new visions and revelations in your life. I can share this book with you. The book will nourish your inner man and lead to many questions. This book speaks to you in an intimate style that brings us closer to the meaning of living a normal life. Living a normal life is living a sober and diligent life before man and God. It’s very intimate. Like I’ve mentioned, I see you as friends when you read this book. Any person reading this book becomes a friend and you will see this and experience this as I will not be preaching from a pulpit but from the very words written in this book. [ Link Details ] |
REFLECTIONS OF PTSD with my Perfect Flaws - https://www.timsegrestauthor.com/book/ In my first book, Perfect Flaws, I wrote that the book was about nothing and something at the same time. However, in the past year or so, I have arrived at a different conclusion. I have seen many horrid things as a sniper in a Special Forces unit. The details are irrelevant here, there are some in the pages inside. I can honestly say that this book is about how a person, such as I, deals with PTSD and its expressive turmoil it plays inside our minds. It is, in my opinion, incurable and the phrase, “get over it,” should never be in the same conversation. I am not promoting poetry as the only means of self-healing. I am, more importantly, trying to encourage other veterans to do something to aide in healing themselves. It’s hard work but one cannot rely on medications and outside influences to heal them. Just in combat, much of the time, you can only rely on yourself. You must want to live. I have dove deeper in this book to explore topics outside the combat zone. Topics assigned to me in college classes, as well as everyday life. I did this because we are not in combat anymore. Everyday problems blend into our past world, an avoidable part of living in society. But, through the same self-healing methodology, I feel you can tackle them as well. But then again, like I already said, you must want to. [ Link Details ] |
Anthropology Politics Sociology Psychology Communication Test Bank - https://buy-test-bank.org/ Looking for a place where you can buy an anthropology politics sociology psychology communication test bank? If yes, we are for you! We are Buy-Test-Bank and we offer amazing services and deals on all our books. View our collection here. [ Link Details ] |
Law Point PK Pakistan Digital Law Publications - https://www.lawpointpk.com/ Law Point PK is a trusted Pakistan Digital Law Publications online Library to buy Law Books online, discover Pakistan law firms, and get the latest updates law news from Pakistan and around the world. [ Link Details ] |
Table Of Hearts - https://www.geraldjamesavila.com/ Following in the footsteps of those before him, Wallis Goginski has put the knowledge of his father and his grandfather to work for him and made the firm one of the most lucrative in history. However, although the generations of learning and trading have been good for the firm, are they everything Wallis wants out of life? Or could the "good things" in life and the love of a woman mean even more? [ Link Details ] |
Honor God With Your Body - https://www.godbookseries.com/book/ Honor God with Your Body is a book that helps the reader to know who they really are apart from who they may have tried to be. God has freely given everyone everything they need from birth and His desire is for us to use our talents, gifts, and abilities to our highest potential. To live a life free of comparing and trying to be like someone else. People may seem perfect on the outside but in reality, they may be miserable on the inside behind closed doors. This book is designed to protect you from you and other bad advisors. To put the joy back into our minds about ourselves, so we can love ourselves again. [ Link Details ] |
Solving the mystery of original sin - https://www.alawfromeden.com/book/ Both John the Baptist and Jesus said, “Behold, the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Yet we know that heaven will only come when sin ends. Therefore, humankind needs to know which sin removed us from the first paradise – Eden. In A Law from Eden: Solving the Mystery of Original Sin, author Marilyn Taplin looks to the Bible to show that the true original sin is not pride or the seeking of knowledge about good and evil; rather, she shows that the true original sin is an act of sexual perversion. A misunderstanding of human sexuality has led to this morally wicked society, and biblical research shows how sexual acts originating in ancient pagan societies and now found in contemporary LGBT communities have distorted the way even those professing to be Christians view their own sexuality. Many believe that the world is moving in the wrong direction, and Jesus shows us how to reverse that direction and bring Eden to the earth once again. If those professing to be Christians learn the powerful truth about original sin and end this sexual act, then they will be able to help usher in the heaven on earth promised by God. [ Link Details ] |
Weapons Of War by Robert Wright - https://www.weaponsofwar-indy.com/ Weapons of War has given me the opportunity to tell my Vietnam story and how it affected me, my fiancée and my family. To give my family a written record of my service to my country. And to thank the United States Army for its role in shaping my character and developing me into a responsible leader ready and equipped to take on any challenge or mission. In other words, helping me to “be all that I can be.” And to finally tell my story of how the Army took a “raw recruit” and turned him into a trained combat soldier and proven leader. [ Link Details ] |
On Freedom And Revolt by Moyler - https://onfreedomandrevolt.com/ Author Carl E. Moyler pens a compelling comparison between two Nobel Prize winners – Albert Camus and Martin Luther King, Jr. The comparison addresses major concerns about tyranny, injustice, racism, poverty, exploitation and war. Moyler uncovers and reveals in his book that neither man was willing to stand in the face of these devastating issues and do nothing. Moyler finds common ground for the two men in presenting these issues in spite of their differences in terms of racial and cultural backgrounds – one a humane agnostic and the other a seminary trained, in God we trust, preacher. [ Link Details ] |
Alternate Reality Book - https://www.thealternaterealitybook.com/ Alternate Reality is the comical telling of the mostly true story of how Steve Ross grew up in a dysfunctional family with dysfunctional relationships an overcame the pitfalls of his youth to live a good and prosperous life. [ Link Details ] |
Summit One Woman's Mount Everest Climb Guides You to Success - https://www.health-fitness-coaching.com/ A must-read before setting your 2021 goals! Summit is a powerful book that has the potential to change your life. Through her own phenomenal experiences and exceptional ability to reflect upon her life journey, Laurie encourages the reader to identify their true passions and gifts in order to set goals they barely dare to imagine they could ever achieve. Laurie teaches us that anything is possible with careful planning, commitment and the right tools. In Summit, she guides you through the key elements of achieving your dreams by drawing on her own journey to the top of Mt Everest. Summit is more than just a methodology for setting goals, it guides you to access the very core of your being to ensure you find the goal that is right for you – there is so much wisdom within its pages. Each chapter is followed by questions to make you reflect upon your own situation and even if you start reading without any particular goal in mind, if you are like me, you will finish it with the seed of something awesome sown in your brain. [ Link Details ] |
Jarl Jensen - http://jarljensen.com/ Jarl Jensen is a specialist in inventing and innovating many medical devices. He has issued patents having retail sales of over $500 million dollars. Jarl shares how you need to own your idea and build a team around you. Being hands-on with your ideas is the key to making them reach their full potential. [ Link Details ] |