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Bestselling True Crime, Thrillers, Mysteries from Pulitzers, NYTimes, Edgars - https://wildbluepress.com/ WildBlue Press publishes true crime, sci-fi/fantasy, thrillers, history, horror, mysteries, and business books in paperback, eBook and audiobook formats worldwide from Pulitzer prize winning, NY Times bestselling, Edgar award-winning and new authors. We have published over 215 titles from 100+ authors. [ Link Details ] |
Fairy Face Masks - https://teelieturnerauthor.com/products/exclusive-fairy-face-masks/ Teelie’s Exclusive Magical Fairy Face Masks Previously, when you thought of masks, you may have been thinking of a masquerade ball and the masks that are worn to those However, with a mask that is required for health and safety, the nose and mouth must be covered This means that… [ Link Details ] |
The Adventures of Potato Kid - https://theadventuresofpotatokid.pubsitepro.com/ Join Potato Kid and his friends as they explore many adventures together.Fly the skies and traverse the land seeking new and exciting experiences. [ Link Details ] |
Be A Sensible Participant Our Online Betting Suggestions - Sports Activities - https://www.followitfit.com Ferguson for even out the gamers perform crew rankings and possibilities of one group. Our skilled staff of professional and school sports activities was mandatory to maximize your profits. Let’s say you suppose the moneyline is the quantity that would make them an expert to assist. Our professional reviewers and we're blissful to sell you their hen but they aren’t going. But bettors are in truth fraudulent. [ Link Details ] |
brittanynoblemccarthy.com - https://brittanynoblemccarthy.com/ brittanynoblemccarthy.com [ Link Details ] |
Diabetes Defeated Ebook - http://canicuremydiabetes.com/privacy-policy.html Are you suffering from diabetes and still not sure the medication you need to follow? Check out the diabetes defeated ebook that will help you get rid of the symptom naturally. [ Link Details ] |
The Abba Tradition by Michael Hattwick - http://abbatradition.com/ The ABBA Tradition is the spiritual and mystical tradition that lies deep within and behind western religions and modern cultures. The word “ABBA” means “father.” It is transliterated, not translated, from the Greek New Testament. ABBA is Jesus’ word for the Holy One of Israel, his Father, and Our Father, the reality we call God. [ Link Details ] |
D Gerard Elliott - https://puritansandpresidents.com/ D.G. Elliott is a Melchezidek priest with thirty-years of extended academic study in history, world governments, philosophical traditions, genealogy, and Abrahamic religions. He is a recognized roundtable discussion leader specializing in American Presidents who openly acknowledged that a divine influence motivated some of their key decisions while serving in office [ Link Details ] |
A WALK WITH GOD, OUR FATHER - https://authordavidmroz.com/ A walk with God, our Father, is a study that helped me consider who I was. Many hours of study went into understanding scripture, its context, and how I can relate to them today. It really is a mind and heart experience to read God's thoughts for our living today. The scriptures are not outdated as some would have you believe. People today are still power hungry, have perverted actions and thoughts, have addictions, are desirous for things in this world, and most of all are self-centered. You know as well as I that that is a true statement. I was that person to some degree, and I was unhappy. This book helped me to be content in all that I do. I have learned many things about scripture with each study. My heart is more at peace with my circumstances, and I believe once you are involved in this weekly study, your understanding of who you are and God's long-suffering for you will greatly explode. [ Link Details ] |
Christian - http://equippedforgoodworks.com/ Your home for Christian books, bibles, music, DVDs, church supplies and much more! [ Link Details ] |
موقع واجباتي - http://www.wajibati.net موقع واجباتي هو موقع تعليمي ثقافي يساعد على تطوير و إيجاد حلول تعليمية مبتكرة تحفز الخيال والتفكير الإبداعي وتعمل على زيادة المحتوى العربي بالكثير من الاسئلة والأجوبة التعليمية [ Link Details ] |
The Russian Madhouse by Badman - https://www.rickbadman.com/ The Russian Madhouse features an automotive engineer who becomes a director at an underground research and development installation in Siberia. He convinced the Russian President who looks like Stalin to start the installation that is referred to as the facility. Dick Thurman and his wife Kate arrive in February 2040 in a flying car. The Russia President is shown weapons and enhanced humans he wants to use to rebuild his military that was almost destroyed in Israel. He also samples Russian Madhouse vodka and promotes it. Some are taken to Mars aboard spaceplane flown by a former nude model who is now a Christian Rocket scientist. On the way to Mars, the spaceplane is intercepted by the Starship Aremulac and Dick, Kate and Maria experience programs of various scenarios on their way to alien empire. [ Link Details ] |
Buy Books Online - https://www.susiemciver.com/books "Susie McIver is a writer who lives in the foothills of the Sierra's in California with her husband and their golden doodle Polly. Susie writes clean wholesome Romance stories. When Susie's not writing she's fishing with her husband Larry, or spending time with her family. " [ Link Details ] |
Bsfsocialclub - http://www.bsfsocialclub.com/ Welcome to Belief Star Foundation Social Club, we are coming with a new business plan on which edifice of your success is going to be erected. [ Link Details ] |
Inside the Catholic Family: Reflections of a Parish Priest - http://fatherpeffley.org/ In the chaos of the modern world, the family has been attacked. The necessary foundations of faith and love are becoming distorted. So what must the world, and the families within it, do to counteract the growing threats? Deepen their understanding of faith and their roles within it. "Inside The Catholic Family" is a testament to that need. A book intertwined with poems and stories of faith, the message deepens the reader's understanding of the beauty and dexterity of the relationships within the family. [ Link Details ] |
The Two Sides of Being Single: A Biblical Perspective - https://www.thetwosidesofbeingsingle.com/ The Two Sides of Being Single: A Biblical Perspective is a book that is dedicated to single Christians who are either desiring to maintain a single Christian life or who are seeking God to bless them with a husband or a wife. [ Link Details ] |
Let Me Tell You How I Got Saved by Charles Lewis Anthony - https://letmetellyouhowigotsaved.com/ In Let Me Tell You How I Got Saved, Charles Lewis Anthony tells readers there is a better way of life and other options in life besides the gang lifestyle, and that the way of a transgressor is hard. God wants His children to know Him. [ Link Details ] |
Decode Astrology - Your Gateway to Cosmic Learning Ebook - https://www.kobo.com/in/en/ebook/decode-astrology Decode Astrology – Your Gateway to Cosmic Learning is about boosting your inner positivity. It lets you analyse your astrological birth chart for Dasha, Planets and a lot of other aspects so that you can plan your future life events in the best possible way. It’ll help you know what DESTINY has in store for you so that you can optimise your KARMA and DEEDS. It’s the GATEWAY to follow what you should Follow. [ Link Details ] |
Overcoming Adversity: Resetting Goals - https://www.nelsonfowlkes.com/ What would you do to rise above unfavorable circumstances? This intriguing question is at the essence of the inspiring book, Overcoming Adversity. Rejections, setbacks and obstacles may occur in employment, social interactions or cultural differences. [ Link Details ] |
authorbrandingsolutions.com - https://authorbrandingsolutions.com/ authorbrandingsolutions.com [ Link Details ] |
No 1 Guide To Investing Safely In Stocks - https://www.jellybeeio.com For rich people without a number of company use the data to access. There’s the broad number of people of all corporations at £50 per deal. Earnings stories come amid it firms realty developers Moreover the Pune Citizen corporation. ADT to return to be a yr of its conception iphone 2021 has. Skilfully crafted by traders trying to horde or marshal test strips as the year progresses there. [ Link Details ] |
Pruchase Computer Engineering Books Online On BooksBaba, Bookstore India - https://booksbaba.in/product-category/sk-kataria-and-sons-books/computer-engineering-books/ Buy Computer Engineering Books Online at best price On BooksBaba, Vast collection of books for computer science, IT programming language, software design [ Link Details ] |
The Yellow Rose By Carl R. Brush - https://www.writerworking.net/ Historically, the term “yellow rose” referred to an attractive mulatto woman. Also historically, the original “Yellow Rose of Texas” was for sure one Emily West, and her story is intertwined in song and legend with the Texas Revolution of 1836. [ Link Details ] |
proofreading - https://pmproofreading.com/ PM Proofreading Services is a global proofreading and editing services provider established in 2012. We offer our proofreading services to professors, academic researchers, postgraduate students, journals, universities, businesses and industry experts on a global scale. Our services are quality-assured for reliability, and our streamlined system is secure and confidential for complete peace of mind. [ Link Details ] |
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The 72 Hour Authentication of the Christ - https://www.kellydonford.com/book/ The 72 Hour Authentication of the Christ” by Kelly Don Ford details the prophetic significance of the statistical timeframe that works best, one that might not have got much attention 2 millennia ago. The author refers to this as “The 72 Critical Hours”... [ Link Details ] |
The Innocent Eyes Of A Child by Trea Jackson - https://www.treajackson.com/book The Innocent Eyes of a Child, follows the story of a girl, named Brighteyes, who was born into a dysfunctional family. She is subjected to years of abuse. At the age of five, she is abandoned by her abusers and ends up in the foster care system. She journeys through the foster care system going from home to home. She tells her story through her eyes, as she grows up never finding the love, care, and family she desired. [ Link Details ] |
Start a Business Online || Write a Book || Become an Author - https://thewealth2021.com/services If you are planning to start a book writing business with us, subscribe to our services of writing a book for others become a famous author like Shakespeare [ Link Details ] |
A Players Flat Panel Monitor Wall Mount - https://Pxhere.com/en/photographer-me/3659640 Matured delight in the advantages of a few of the more recent gaming systems, too. If I get a performance computer, would I utilize it to its actual power? It is excellent advice, however that things drives up the expense and makes your computer more costly. It is really much an individual preference whether you have armrests or not, some people like them others does not. [ Link Details ] |
The Journey Home By Lori-Ellen Pisani - https://simplyspeakinglep.com/ Mental illness continues to be unacceptable for many in society to understand and accept without the stigma of danger and insanity attached to it. I lived most of my adult life with an illness that sent me into periods of tremendous creativity and multi-tasking mastery to episodes of uncontrollable rage in an instant. Finally, there were the hardest and most fearful times of fighting suicidal depression. I am Bipolar II, an illness that has no cure and can take your life or your freedom if you are not diligent about staying with your treatment plan. [ Link Details ] |
THE BEGINNING… THE END… ANEW! by Zedart Hodges | Book - https://www.kenyattatwo.com/book-the-beginning-the-end-anew/ Zedart Hodges, a recovering addict, shares his story of overcoming addiction’s temptations as well as the challenges of overcoming an addiction and remaining sober for the rest of your life. He shares his experience so he can help people who are struggling with addiction. [ Link Details ] |
Shashi Patel - https://www.shashi-patel.com/ Shashi became born in a poor family of relatives of farmers in India and being a victim of particularly tough instances from a totally younger age supposed that he had to develop up right away. This taught him the way to combat via hard situations and pop out of the alternative side as a winner. SEE MY BOOKS [ Link Details ] |
The Sounds At River's Edge - Bobbie J. McLaren | Book - https://bobbiejmclaren.com/home "The Sounds at River's Edge" is viewed from the eyes of a child spanning only four years, but what years they were! It's a wonder any of us survived. Bobbie J. McLaren was born in South Florida in the 1950's, in Northern Palm Beach County. She graduated from Palm Beach Gardens High School although much to the surprise of many, in 1972. [ Link Details ] |
So Much To Give by Carlton Crane - https://www.carltonrcranebookstore.com/book/ This story is about a family, the Collies, from the small East Texas town of Coalville during those hard times in America. It tells how they persevered against hatred, racism, murder, personal tragedy, and sacrifice to rise up and become part of America's Greatest Generation. [ Link Details ] |
Kyuka Books - https://kyukabooks.com/ Kyuka Lilymjok is an essayist of extraordinary ability. He is the creator of The Death of Eternity, The Butcher's Wife, Bivan's House, Sieged, Hope in Anarchy, The Village Tradesman, The Lord Mammon, The Heart of Jacob, The Lone Piper and the Birds' Case and A Journey of Hell to Heaven among other anecdotal works. As an educator of law, he is the creator of Law and Practice of Equity and Trust, Environmental Protection Law and Practice, Theory and Practice of International Economic Law, and Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry: Institutions, Issues, Law and Policy. [ Link Details ] |
Books about CIA Agents - https://www.cedgarnorth.com/5-awesome-books-about-cia-agents-in-21st-century/ My real name is Glen Witter but I have been writing fiction under the pen name of C. EDGAR NORTH. My writing is best labeled as verisimilitude as many real events that inspired the novels have been fictionalized. Experiences gleaned from working in over 30 countries enrich geographic detail and provides the opportunity to enlarge and fictionalize some characters. I live in Summerland and, of course, local geography and situations pop up in many of the novels. The Similkameen and Okanagan valleys are featured in three of the novels. [ Link Details ] |
Craft play - Handmade Leather journal - http://craftplay.co.in/product_category.aspx?pc=13&Ct=Leather-Diary Handmade vintage leather journal in India supplier. Craft play was on another e-commerce platform for a few years but after many successful and satisfied clients, we decided to open our very own website. Every customer of craft play has been loyal since their first purchase on our website that you can visit. craft play has been in this business for more than 5 years and still going strong. craft play also provides its user with other leather products. from diary to journal craft play provides all. do you want to use our journal as a sketchbook? yes, you can, art journaling? yes, you can, to-do list? yes, you can. you can use our journal for many other purposes other than daily writing!! [ Link Details ] |
online bookstore - http://99bookscart.com India's best online second hand bookstore [ Link Details ] |
Raven’s Way by Kerry L. Marzock | Book - https://kerrymarzock.com/books/ravens-way/ Ravens Way is a journey of blood and death, romance and revenge, taking place on the streets of Philadelphia, where no one is safe.....a must read a must buy!! CALL ME WOLF To those who have no choice but to howl at the hungry moon. A rabid, howling moon reaches out to grab my strangled throat with craving, hungry claws, intensity of lunar midnight now driving me insane. Fingers curl into nervous, anxious paws, the curse of being once bitten by infected teeth bathed in angry, yellow-hooded wolf's bane. Searing pain shrieks violently through skin and bone while beseeching moonbeams scratch and rip away all straggling shreds of lost humanity. [ Link Details ] |
College Book Buy Online | Bookmak - https://www.bookmak.in/product-category/college-book Now you can avail the option of college book buy online of all streams at affordable prices at Bookmak. It is a great platform that has a wide range of collections and different writers’ books. You can browse through all categories and choose the right book of your choice. On bulk purchases, you can avail exciting offers and discounts. [ Link Details ] |
Can’t Hobble The Elephant - https://www.frankdutch.com/ Can’t Hobble the Elephant is about Josh O’Donnell’s story during the Civil War, where he is on the run from the Union army, the very army in which he served so loyally. [ Link Details ] |
My Alcoholic, My Love by Margaret Moschak - https://www.myalcoholicmylove.com/book/ To save yourself and your family from the destruction the alcoholic brings to your life, you must turn away and learn how to take care of yourself and your loved ones. This is not easy. [ Link Details ] |
Good Night by Natalia Padilla - https://www.nataliaartsandbooks.com/book/ The book “GOOD NIGHT”, is a classic picture book about how different people learn in different ways, and how diverse methods of thinking are required when solving a problem. Music is also included in this book “GOOD NIGHT,” with Natalia’s song “GOOD NIGHT” inspiring young children to learn music. [ Link Details ] |
ANTHOLOGY OF SHORT STORIES AND POEMS II - https://www.blclements.com/book/ This new book continues the adventures of Private Detective Jack Donavon of the “If I Could See” series as he continues to search for the person who caused his hearing loss. This leads Jack back to Florida where he meets his attacker and must fight him or be killed. Jack also works with unusual clients who get him in all sorts of problems and different situations. [ Link Details ] |
The Shadows Of Sawtooth Ridge - https://www.berniemcauleybooks.com/ An American POW returns home after the Vietnam War only to find that his life has changed drastically. [ Link Details ] |
THE PLOT TO COOL THE PLANET - https://www.sambleicherauthor.com/the-plot-to-cool-the-planet/ This National Indie Excellence Awards Finalist puts global warming and climate intervention at the center of a gripping speculative fiction involving a notorious murder, a daring secret plot, and intense global conflict. [ Link Details ] |
The Color Of Love by Raymond Quattlebaum - https://raymondqbooks.com/book-the-color-of-love/ The front cover of the book, The Color Of Love is eye-catching. The illustration of the moon and stars is breathtaking. You would want to read the book just by seeing the cover itself. I chose the moon and stars because it is the significance of life, a reflection of love in its divine beauty. It drowns you with curiosity. [ Link Details ] |
VISIONS & DREAMS... - https://www.authorkenpowe.net/visions-dreams Everyone dreams. Not everyone has visions. There is necessarily a crucial psychological or spiritual difference between the visionary and the dreamer, but what is it? If visions and dreams are truly divine experiences, who does God choose to be the dreamer and the visionary? There is an overwhelming abundance of opinions on this issue. [ Link Details ] |
Outland Exile by Walter Clark Boutwell - https://www.oldmenandinfidels.com/books-of-omai Lieutenant Malila Chiu, as an unknowing pawn in the stealth coup d’etat of General Eustace Jourdaine, is sent to the lawless outlands as punishment for her manufactured and real misconduct only to discover, to her dismay and revulsion, that her arrival is part of another plot by the savages. Jesse Johnstone, the oldest man she has ever met, captures her, humiliates her and drags her away. [ Link Details ] |
Going... Going...: The Abduction of a Mind - https://goingwithalzheimers.net/ It is a journal of a couple’s fifteen-year journey along the trial of Alzheimer’s. Every excursion into the unknown of this disease is unique, and author Jack Weaver shares an account that will be different from any other you will read. If you will allow Jack and Janey to be your guides, they will lead you through sunny valleys of hope, into swamps of despair, and up mountains of happiness; you will stop at vistas of grief and relief; and you will laugh and cry together. [ Link Details ] |