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Aesthetics International - Dr. Jaffer Khan - https://aesthetics.ae/ We at Aesthetics International have carefully selected a number of our clinically proven office procedures so as to be able to offer discreet treatment, conveniently located in the city‘s central locations. Led by one of Dubai‘s most renowned cosmetic surgeons, our team of experts are based permanently at our specially designed clinic. [ Link Details ] |
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Diagnostic Centre In Sonipat and Delhi | Diagnostic Healthcare In Sonipat And Delhi - http://www.satyakiranhealthcare.com/ Looking for Diagnostic Center in Sonipat, Haryana or Delhi/NCR, Diagnostic Healthcare In Sonipat And Delhi, Medical Diagnostic Centre In Sonipat And Delhi. Contact to Satyakiran Healthcare center. Our clinic awarded as its Excellence in Healthcare industry by the Government of India and conferred Most Trusted Diagnostic Centre in Haryana [ Link Details ] |
uv light - https://sapienrobotics.ca/ Ultraviolet technology is a non-chemical approach to disinfection. In this method of disinfection, nothing is added which makes this process simple, inexpensive and requires very low maintenance. UV-C light is germicidal – i.e., it damages the DNA of bacteria, virus and other pathogens and thus destroys their ability to multiply and cause disease. There is proper evidence that UVC Disinfection Lamp kills viruses like MERS, SARS and COVID19. UV-C system output was compared using a radiometer, at a set of fixed times and distances. Output in a patient room was also compared using a radiometer and Clorox Healthcare Dose Verify cards to detect dose delivery to surfaces when following the directions for use recommended by each manufacturer (i.e., single placement in a room for Tru-D, and multiple placements for the Optimum-UV Enlight System).The authors reported that both the Optimum-UV Enlight System and Tru-D devices delivered more than enough UV-C to surfaces 5, 8, and 10 feet away from the device to kill C. difficile and MRSA within a 5 minute cycle time. The authors also demonstrated that multiple device placements with shorter cycle times, which Clorox recommends, are preferred over the single placement with longer cycle times that Tru-D recommends, based on dose delivered to a variety of hospital room surfaces. They noted that an additional cycle in the bathroom, which Clorox recommends, is required for adequate UV-C delivery in bathrooms and other adjoining rooms. Tru-D’s single placement in the main room failed to deliver sufficient UV-C to adjoining bathrooms to kill C.difficile or MRSA. Healthcare-associated infections caused by multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathogens are significantly associated with increased mortality and morbidity. Environmental cleaning can reduce transmission of these pathogens but is often inadequate. Adjunctive methods are warranted to enhance the effectiveness of disinfection particularly in hospital settings where healthcare-associated infections are of major concern. We conducted a study to examine the effectiveness of a mobile, automatic device, Hyper Light Disinfection Robot (model: Hyper Light P3), which utilized ultraviolet-C (UV-C) to kill MDR-Pseudomonas aeruginosa, MDR- Acinetobacter baumannii, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VRE), Mycobacterium abscessus and Aspergillus fumigatus. The performance of this device in disinfecting hospital rooms previously admitted by patients harboring MRSA and VRE was also assessed. [ Link Details ] |
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