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International conference on Endocrinology Diabetes and Metabolism - http://endocrinology.alliedacademies.com/ [ Link Details ] |
Aquaculture and Fisheries Conference - https://worldaquacultureconference.com/program/scientific-sessions Magnus Group cordially invites you to “World Aquaculture and Fisheries Conference (WAC 2020)” scheduled during May 20-21, 2020 in Tokyo, Japan. WAC 2020 provides the global Platform to the international scholars and researchers to voice their research discoveries in front of the world. With representatives from all the real aquaculture nations in participation the environment is energizing with open and amicable communication between participants. This is a gathering, giving a chance to the aquaculture and sea life science industry to find out about flow and up and coming issues, investigate new improvements in culture innovation, and interact with others with similar interest. The conference aims to bring all together like academicians, scientists, and business professionals, general public, current and prospective fish farmers to share information and ideas about the development of aquaculture & marine biology. [ Link Details ] |
International Conference on Otorhinolaryngology - https://www.otorhinolaryngology.scientexconference.com/ Scientex Conference warmly welcomes all the Participants, Scientists and Delegates from the globe to join our conference "International Conference on Otorhinolaryngology" during November 22-23, 2021 in Dubai, UAE. Otorhinolaryngology 2021 is organized around the theme "Scientific Aspects and Novelty in Otorhinolaryngology" that will mark a gathering of pioneers and experts from the Medicinal Industry. [ Link Details ] |
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - http://physicalmedicine.pulsusconference.com/ Pulses Group invites all the participants from everywhere the world to attend Webinar on Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation during July 2-3, 2021 held at Paris, France which promote keynotes, poster presentation, oral -talks, symposium. Our conference specialise in inventive motive of physical medicine and rehabilitation.” Our aim is to amplify the standard of life with physical impairments and abnormality”. The theme of our colloquium is Accentuating the betterment for surveillance. Physical Medicine 2021 honour to welcome all Directors, physiatrist, physical therapist, social workers, Rheumatologist, Students, industrialist belongs to rehabilitation to grab the international platforms to discuss about the various advance and technologies in our colloquium. [ Link Details ] |
Dementia Conference - http://www.meetingsint.com/conferences/dementia International Conference on Dementia and Dementia Care will hold during August 20-22, 2018 at Singapore, on the theme: Reconnoitering the Challenges concerning Dementia Research and Care. The aim of Dementia 2018 is to give a platform for researchers to put forth their research studies and experiences before a global gathering of individuals who have a keen interestin the field of neurodegenerative diseases.AS, several individuals usually at the old ages are suffering from neurological disorders like Dementia and there is no cure or treatment so far discovered to slow down the disease progression. Thus, importance should be given on Dementia research and care. [ Link Details ] |
Global Congress on Advancements in Catalysis and Chemical Engineering Process - http://catalysis-chemical-engineering.pulsusconference.com/ Pulsus Group performs 1000+ Global events annually, is delighted to welcome all the interested and enthusiastic participants across the globe to the prestigious Conference on “Global Congress on Advancements in Catalysis and Chemical Engineering Process” (CATALYSIS 2018) during December 05-06, 2018 at Madrid, Spain. Catalysis 2018 highlights the theme “Meeting the Challenge in the field of Chemical Engineering”. Catalysis 2018 Conference provide a worldwide stage for trading most recent developments in the field of Chemical Engineering and offering opportunities to go to the presentations conveyed by eminent experts from everywhere throughout the globe. Participating in Catalysis 2018 Congress gives an approach to meet, cooperate with, and make contacts with different specialists in your claim to fame region. Visit : https://catalysis-chemical-engineering.pulsusconference.com/ contact : catalysis@pulsusevents.org [ Link Details ] |
Global Experts Meeting on Frontiers in Advanced Dentistry & Dental Education - https://frontiersmeetings.com/conferences/advanceddentistry/ We are glad to inform you that Frontiers Meetings Pvt Ltd is organizing a conference on “Global Experts Meeting on Frontiers in Advanced Dentistry & Dental Education” which is going to be held on April 18-20, 2019 at New York, USA. This conference is a unique international platform that’s a confluence of all stake holders of the ecosystem – Industry, Academia, Researchers, Innovators, Regulators – coming together to present and discuss wide range of current topics. [ Link Details ] |
4th International Conference on Spine and Spinal Disorders - http://spine.alliedacademies.com/ We take immense pleasure and honour to welcome all the participants across the world to attend the esteemed 4th International Conference on Spine and Spinal Disorders slated on September 03-04, 2019 in London, UK. The fundamental theme of the Conference is "Exploration and Innovations Which Contribute Hand Towards Curing and Understanding The Diverse Aspects Of Spine and Spinal Disorders", which will cover an extensive variety of basically vital aspects related to spinal health, spine geriatrics, spine disorder management and advances in the spine and central nervous system related research. Spine 2019 is an international congress which expects more than 50 speakers and more than 100 participants from all across the world. Spine 2019 will provide you chance to get expose with the latest research and technology developing in the field of Neuroscience, Neurology and Orthopaedics. This is perfect stage to grow you research incite and participate in the scientific discussion. Along with this Spine 2019 will help the participant to develop international academic and business network. The main focus of the Spine 2019 will be on Spine and Spinal Cord, Spine- Anatomy and Neuroscience, Spinal Disorders Diagnosis, Spine Birth Defects, Spine Health and Spine Infection, Spine Diseases- Myelopathy, Spondylitis, Scoliosis, Spinal Disorders and Abnormalities, Spine Cancer, Spine Injury and Spine Fracture, Osteoporosis in Spine and Spine Arthritis, Spine Surgery and Treatment, Minimally Invasive Procedures, Spinal Fusion, Disc Replacement and Implant, Spinal Injection, Nursing Care and Nursing Practice for Spinal Surgeries, Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, Novel Neurotherapeutics, Pharmaceuticals for Spinal Disorders, New Technologies for Spinal Cord Injury, Clinical Trials and Case Reports in Spine and Spinal Disorders. We welcome all the renowned and aspiring researchers, scientists and business delegates, who are significantly putting their effort to improve the life of population with their researches and works on Spine and Spinal Disorders. [ Link Details ] |
World Obesity and Weight Management Congress - https://www.obesityworldconference.com/ World Obesity and Weight Management Congress (WOC 2020) is scheduled during October 26-28, 2020 in Orlando, USA. WOC 2020 conference will address fast growing technologies in the field of Obesity and Weight Management with significant opportunities for Obesity and Weight Management researchers, scientists and students. Our expert honorary speakers will provide you with the most up-to-date relevant information, you’ll leave better educated and more invigorated than you thought possible. Conference topics includes: Obesity and Weight Management, Obesity Causes, Obesity: Genetics, Anti-Obesity Drugs, Diet & Nutrition, Dietary and Lifestyle Changes, Obesity & Associated Health Disorders, Obesity and Diabetes, Obesity & Cancer, Obesity and Endocrinology, Gynecology & Obstetrics, Advanced Treatment for Obesity, Non-Surgical Treatment for Obesity, Prevention: Obesity, Bariatric Surgery, Obesity in Women, Current Research on Obesity Conference Venue: Orlando, USA For More details visit: https://obesityworldconference.com/ Contact Email: obesity@conferencemails.com Contact Phone: 1 (702) 988 2320 WhatsApp: +1 (804) 876-0431 [ Link Details ] |
Scientific Events at Pages conferences | Pangaea Global Events - https://www.pagesconferences.com/ Pangaea Global Events provides a great platform to meet the world’s largest scientists and researchers to increase your network and benefit for your future research work on related to these topics i.e., Medical and Healthcare, Science and technology [ Link Details ] |
WORLD CONGRESS ON BIO POLYMERS AND BIO PLASTICS 2020 - http://biopolymerscongress.alliedacademies.com/ Biopolymers 2020 offers a faciful opportunity to meet and make new contacts in relevantfieldsof Biopolymer, Bioplastic, Biocomposites, Biomaterials, Polymerscience.The new form of innovations and researches get encouraged and providing an opportunity to the persons who are attending to the conference. It allows delegates to have issues addressed on Biomaterials and Biocomposites by recognized global experts who are up to date with the latest developments in the respective field and provide information on new techniques and technologies. This International conferences on Biopolymers and Bioplastics will collobrate with renowned keynote speakers, symposiums, poster presentations, technical workshops and career guidance sessions which will encourage the steps forward towards innovations and researches.We introducing some highlighted topics in conference are Biopolymers and Biomaterials, Biopolymers for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Ocean plastics, Biobased Thermosetting Polymers, Polymers Nanotechnology, Application of Bioplastics in Medicine, Plastic Fouling and Treatment, Contingency of Biopolymers, Imminent Ambits of Biopolymers, Synthesis and Characterization of Biopolymers, Future and Scope for Biopolymers and Bioplastics. Allied Academies is started in the year of 1994. The main aim of this organization is to conduct conferences and publish articles within the realm of business and management. We are looking for young researchers, eminent persons from the academic and business executives to achieve success for the growth of the scientific community from all over the world. By 25 years of excellence, we supposed to provide the best keynote speaker, best speaker, and best poster awards and are facilitated with certificates. For more details: http://biopolymerscongress.alliedacademies.com/ [ Link Details ] |
Alina J. Cathrine - https://greenchemistry.cmesociety.com/call-for-abstracts Green chemistry conference: The world's largest Chemical Engineering Congress and Gathering for the Research Community at Prague, Czech Republic. Green chemistry meeting (Green Chemistry) welcomes all the Speakers, Delegate Researchers experts, and academic personalities to have a networking event on the month of May 06-07,2020 [ Link Details ] |
2nd Global Congress on Petroleum Engineering and Natural Gas Recovery - http://petroleum-engineering.alliedacademies.com/ We welcome you to attend “2nd Global congress on Petroleum Engineering and Natural Gas Recovery 2020” which held on July 31 - August 1, 2020 at Singapore. The primary topic of our Conference is “Exploring the Tailored Strategies and Latest Innovation in Petroleum Engineering and Natural Gas" which covers an extensive variety of basically essential sessions. Global Petroleum 2020 is a hub for key players in the oil and gas community, attracting leading oil, gas and petroleum companies from around the world. Here at Global Petroleum congress 2020, we focus on the practical applications of new and emerging digital technology. Your event experience is designed so that after two days of critical learning you leave inspired and armed with the new knowledge and practical skills that will enliven your 2020 transformation plans. Global Petroleum 2020 aims to gather the Researchers, principal investigators, experts and researchers working under academia and health care industry, Business Delegates, Scientists and students across the globe to provide an international forum for the dissemination of original research results, new ideas and practical development experiences. Any additional information regarding the conference can be found on the website: http://petroleum-engineering.alliedacademies.com/ [ Link Details ] |
14th World Congress on Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease - http://dementia.alliedacademies.com/ Dementia Conference: The world's largest Dementia Conference and Gathering for the Research Community, Join the Neuroscience Conference at Barcelona, Spain. [ Link Details ] |
14th International Conference on Pharmaceutics and drug safety - http://drugsafety.pharmaceuticalconferences.com On the behalf of Drug safety department, I am glad to invite all the eminent scientists, academicians, young researchers, Business delegates and students from all over the world to attend the 14th International Conference on Pharmaceutics Drug Safety August 06-07,2021, London, UK. This conference shares recent research and technologies, which gains tremendous interest with huge and exhilarated presence of skilled, young and intelligent researchers, business delegates and talented student communities. Main goal of this conference is to bring together, professional group of scientists and researchers from all over the world to present and exchange advance ideas related to drug safety. It globalize the standard research in general, thus making discussions, presentations more internationally competitive and focusing attention on the recent outstanding achievements in the field of drug safety, and future trends and needs. [ Link Details ] |
3rd World Congress on Cardiology and Cardiac Nursing 2021 - http://cardiacnursing.pulsusconference.com/ Cardiology & Cardiac Nursing 2021 is an international conference organized by Pulsus that brings together all the innovators to explore the entire field of Cardiology, including cardiologists, paediatric cardiologists, doctors, students, cardiothoracic surgeons, and biomedical engineers, among others. It serves as a showcase for all academics, researchers, scientists, organizations, and industries to present the most recent advances in cardiology diagnosis, care, and postoperative management. The event will cover a variety of topics in cardiology, including the causes and types of cardiovascular diseases, as well as their treatment and diagnosis. The new emerging devices with applied technologies, Nanotechnology are comprised in the conference [ Link Details ] |
16th Global Summit on Immunology and Cell Biology - https://immunology.conferenceseries.com/ Immunology conference invites all the Researchers, Scientists and Experts on behalf of committee members to be the part of the prestigious “16th Global Summit on Immunology and Cell Biology” schedule on April 17-18, 2023 at Rome, Italy. [ Link Details ] |
Robotics Conference 2024 - https://artificialintelligence.averconferences.com/ The 3rd Tech Summit on Artificial Intelligence & Robotics will be held in Tokyo, Japan. AI & Robotics 2024 offers an opportunity to interact with the researchers in the field of AI & Robotics, making Congress a perfect platform to share experiences, foster collaborations across industry & academia, and share emerging scientific updates across the globe. Initiation of cross-border cooperation between scientists and institutions will also be facilitated. [ Link Details ] |
Conference facilities in Birmingham - http://www.ramadasolihullhotel.co.uk/conferences-and-meetings-in-solihull.html At the Ramada Hotel Solihull we know that working closely with you is the key to making your event in Birmingham a success. You'll have one point of contact throughout. Where possible they'll introduce you to your operations team. That way you can be sure that come the day everything will be just the way you expected, with no surprises. Single point of contact Constant communication Introduction to the operations team Post-meeting feedback process [ Link Details ] |
2nd International Conference and Expo on Oil Gas 2019 - http://oil-gas.alliedacademies.com/ Oil and Gas 2019 congregates all the experts on the theme “A Prospective Booming and Contemporary Innovation in Oil Gas Field” which meticulously emphasizes the recent trends in petroleum technology, importance of oil and gas, Challenges faced by the industry and the future of the Oil and Gas Sector. This new era of gathering will bestow you the nonpareil platform and exceptional opportunity to attain the perdurable experience among the experts and highly qualified personalities on the recent technologies, Challenges, advances, economy and the future of the Oil and gas Field. [ Link Details ] |
9th World Congress on Green Chemistry and Green Energy - http://greenchem.alliedacademies.com [ Link Details ] |
International Conference on Data Science and Machine Learning - http://datascience.pulsusconference.com/ International Conference on Data Science and Machine learning is the world’s premier international educational event organized in Paris, France on February 17 and 18, 2020. You will enjoy inspirational talks & a friendly atmosphere designed to help attendees learn from each other, meet interesting people, & generally have a stimulating experience. Taking place this year in the beautiful Paris, France and including multiple diverse tracks, the conference will appeal to anyone from Data scientists and Machine Learning experts. The main target of this program is the global Data Science and Machine learning communities as well as other educational professionals. Reap the benefits of being with fellow attendees and multiple opportunities for networking at our event in Paris, France. Internationally leading scientists in Data Science and Machine learning research are joining us here to present and discuss their most recent researches. We invite you to join us in this exciting endeavor. [ Link Details ] |
3rd International conference on Polymer chemistry and Materials Engineering - http://polymerchemistry.alliedacademies.com/registration Polymer Chemistry Committee is honor and privilege to welcome all the Polymer chemistry professionals to join the auspicious event “3rd International Conference on polymer chemistry and Materials Engineering” which transpires on November21-22, 2019, at the beautiful place Singapore, under the theme “Traverse avant-garde of Polymer Science and Fascinating Materials Engineering” We’re looking forward to this splendid meeting with you to bring a revolution in the field of polymer sciences by all your ideas, views, and experiences put together under one roof for a better world. [ Link Details ] |
International Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medici - https://magnusconferences.com/tissue-engineering/ Magnus Group is delighted to invite you to the International Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine on September 18-19, 2020 at Paris, France. With the Theme Advancements in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine TERMC 2020 which is cornerstone for executing latest trends and innovations in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine with the enormous sessions like Bio Banking, Bio sensors, Bioprinting, and nanotechnology in tissue engineering. [ Link Details ] |
Surgery |Anesthesia |Laproscopy | Plastic Surgery | - http://surgeryconference.alliedacademies.com/ We put your hands together to all the participants to Surgery and Anesthesia 2020 scheduled on May13-14, 2020 at Singapore, with a theme “Eternal Evolutions on Surgery and Anesthesia". This Conference brings together the specialists, and also the different categories which are related to Surgery and Anesthesia from all the aspects to discuss about surgery in today’s world to thrive and survive with a better health. [ Link Details ] |
12th International Conference on Otolaryngology: ENT Surgery - https://ent.alliedacademies.com/ Hello Again After ENT 2019 ,We take great pleasure in inviting you to attend the 12th International conference on Otolaryngology:ENT surgery which is taking place on 31st August - 1st September, 2020 in Barcelona, Spain. With rich cientific Programs, Keynote sessions, Poster Presentations, Oral Presentation sessions, Young research forums and Exhibitions, ENT 2020 is the top platform to interact and learn from industry peers on various topics till date. We expect eminent Surgical professionals who are stead-fast in making change in the way that surgeries are done to share their knowledge and experience at this conference this time. The topics and theme of the conference are clear and will be associated with "Surgial Enhancement to Enrich Quality in Otholaryngological Medicine". Professionals from both Acdemia and Industry will be benefited from this technology oriented 2 days in August. Emerging problems in ENT Surgery and Otolaryngology such as ENT implants, Head and neck Oncology, Intraoperative Nerological Monitoring, Rhinology, Facial plastic surgery, Paediatric surgery, Otology and more will be at focus for ENT 2020 agenda. Professional inputs from the peers will be appreciated to enlighten others on undiscovered facts of ENT surgery while we meet at ENT 2020 again. Come Be the change as belive you have the capacity. Explore Otolaryngology in Month of August. [ Link Details ] |
3rd International Conference on Mechanics of Biomaterials and Tissues - https://biomaterials.alliedacademies.com/ Biomaterials 2020 conference offers the platform to the audience, which comprises of keynote lectures, plenary talks, interactive panel discussions, and poster sessions on the subjects like properties of Biomaterials, Biomaterials properties, and Applications, Biomaterials and Nanotechnology, Tissue Engineering, Transplantation, Bio-imaging & Biophotonics, 3D printing of Biomaterials, Biomaterials in Delivery systems, Cell-Biomaterial interaction, and Biodegradable Biomaterials. [ Link Details ] |
16th International Conference and Exhibition on Alzheimer Disease, Dementia & Ageing - https://dementiaconference.euroscicon.com/ We are delighted in inviting all the participants from all over the world to attend 16th International Conference and Exhibition on Alzheimer Disease, Dementia & Ageing during April 13-14. 2020 at London, UK. The theme of the conference is based on “Scientific Innovations, Research Ideologies & Clinical Practice in Alzheimer Disease & Dementia”. The conference will provide an international platform to all the researchers to discuss present and future challenges in various kinds of mental health issues, psychiatric and psychology disorders & its related problems. World-leading health professionals, clinicians, scientists and researchers will display practical, clinical and cutting-edge techniques based upon widely accepted evidence and will present new and emerging research. We are sure Euro Dementia 2020 will be a remarkable platform for all the scientists and researchers present and imply their innovative researches, ideas and thus prompts collaboration among young researchers taking interest in the field of Psychiatry & Psychology. Conference Website: https://dementiaconference.euroscicon.com/ [ Link Details ] |
10th Edition of International Conference and Exhibition on Traditional and Alternative Medicine 2020 - https://traditionalmed.euroscicon.com/ 10th Edition of International Conference on Traditional and Alternative Medicine June 15-16, 2020 | Barcelona, Spain https://traditionalmed.euroscicon.com/ Join world specialists from USA, Europe, Middle East and Asia Pacific at Traditional Medicine Conferences in Barcelona, Spain on June 15-16, 2020. The EuroSciCon is delighted in inviting all the participants from all over the world to attend 10th Edition of International Conference on Traditional and Alternative Medicine during June 15-16, 2020 at Barcelona, Spain. The theme of the conference is based on “Exploring Innovations in Traditional Medicine”. The conference will provide an international platform to all the researchers to discuss present and future challenges in various kinds of Traditional and Complementary Medicine Practitioners, Acupuncturists, Pharmacists, Ayurveda Specialists, Herbal and Traditional Medicine Researchers, Natural Therapists, Scientists & Researchers, Students & Academicians. World-leading health professionals, clinicians, scientists and researchers will display practical, clinical and cutting-edge techniques based upon widely accepted evidence and will present new and emerging research. We are sure Traditional Medicine 2020 will be a remarkable platform for all the scientists and researchers present and imply their innovative researches, ideas and thus prompts collaboration among young researchers taking interest in the field of Traditional and Alternative Medicine. Conference Website: https://traditionalmed.euroscicon.com/ https://www.euroscicon.com/ Venue Hotel Augusta Barcelona Valles AP-7, Km 12 5, 08410, Barcelona, Spain Best Regards, Daniel Smith Program Director | Traditional Medicine 2020 EuroSciCon Ltd., 40 Bloomsbury Way, Lower Ground Floor London, United Kingdom, WC1A 2SE. Tel: +44 1434290004 E-mail: traditionalmedicinemeetings@gmail.com [ Link Details ] |
3rd European Congress on Vaccines and Immunology - https://vaccines-immunization.euroscicon.com/ Dear Colleagues, Greetings from Vaccines Congress 2020!! In Association with Journal “Clinical Immunology and Infectious Diseases” We take great pleasure in inviting participants to the upcoming 3rd European Congress on Vaccines and Immunology during July 15-16, 2020 at London, UK on the theme “Emphasizing the Challenges and Advancements in Vaccines & Immunization”. The aim of the Vaccines & Immunization 2020 is to promote quality research and real-world impact in an atmosphere of true international cooperation between scientists and engineers by bringing together again the world-class researchers, International Communities and Industrial heads to discuss the latest developments and innovations in the fields of Vaccines. The event will have Keynote speakers, Plenary speakers, Invited speakers and fresh contributed speakers. In addition, a variety of poster presentations along with workshops and special sessions would be interested in listeners. Our Collaborations: 1. National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital (NICRH) - Bangladesh 2. Moldavian Biosafety and Biosecurity Association (MDBBA) - Republic of Moldova Key Topics Discussed: • Vaccines and Vaccination • Immunology and Its Allied Fields • Pathology and Its Allied Fields • Microbiology and Its Allied Fields • Oncology or Cancer research & treatments • Internal Medicine • Infectious Diseases • Virology and Toxicology • Emergency Medicine • Veterinary Medicine and Its Allied Fields • Paediatrics • Allergy & Asthma • HIV/AIDS • Inflammation and Engineering Therapeutics • Stem Cell Immunotherapy • Public Health • Nano-Vaccine Technology • Bio-Informatics We appreciate your time and look forward towards your positive response at the earliest Best Regards Alex Jones | Program Manager Vaccines Congress 2020 40 Bloomsbury Way, Lower Ground Floor London, United Kingdom WC1A 2SE Email: eurovaccines2020@gmail.com Tel: +44-203-318-2512 WhatsApp: +44-1328-410003 [ Link Details ] |
Eighteen Helpful Search Engine Optimization Procedures - http://iconweldingequipments.com/index.php/component/k2/itemlist/user/2723 Black hat Search engine marketing is tactics employed to trick or manipulate search engines for larger rankings. The field of SEM began a couple of years ago and has grow to be amazingly vital for those who intend to succeed in enterprise on the Web. If you sort any keyword into a search engine, you'll see how that keyword is reflected in the title for that web page. [ Link Details ] |
Euro Infectious Diseases Congress - https://infectiousdiseases.peersalleyconferences.com/ Peers Alley Media grandly launches an International event on Infectious Diseases in Paris Euro Infectious Diseases Congress welcomes global researchers to an alluring destination Paris to share and exchange the latest research advancements in this field. Sessions: Infectious Diseases and Global Health | Viral Infections | Bacterial Infections | Fungal Infections | Vector-borne Diseases | Virology and HIV | Immunology and Clinical Microbiology | Neurological and CNS Infections | Healthcare-Associated Infections | Ophthalmological Infectious Diseases | Lower Respiratory and Pediatric IDs | Vaccines and Immunizations | Tropical Diseases and Parasitic Diseases | Sexually Transmitted Diseases and STIs | Oral and Maxillofacial Infections | Genomics and Infectious disease | Pathophysiology and Diagnosis | Clinical Trials and Case Studies | Influencing Factors of IDs | Advanced Treatments and Technologies | Prevention and Control | Public Health and Epidemiology This activity intends to have emergency medicine physicians, internists, family practitioners, hospitalists, clinicians, microbiologists, anthropologists, epidemiologists, public health practitioners, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmaceutical researchers, business professionals, scholars, residents, academicians and students along with delegate participation from organizations (industries/companies, associations/societies etc..) [ Link Details ] |
2nd International Women Health and Breast Cancer Conference - https://www.iwomenhealthconference.com/ The 2nd International Women Health and Breast Cancer Conference welcome you to meet healthcare experts in London during June 10-11, 2021. i-Women Health 2021 provides an international forum for academicians, practitioners, health and business professionals to share latest advancement and research across the broad field of women's health. i-Women Health's focus includes the dissemination of translational research and evidence-based practices for disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment for women across the lifespan. At i-Women Health 2021, we invite the submission of abstracts covering a broad range of crosscutting topics, including the breast cancer, pregnancy, infertility, Maternal-Child Health, Menstruation and Menopause, Reproductive Health, PCOS, Osteoporosis and more. The conference is the ideal venue to learn about the latest trends shaping women health industry, to gain new skills and insights from successful experts. WHY iWOMEN • Meet and collaborate with Pioneers in Health Sector • Share your Products and Services with Professionals • Reinvigorate your relationship with peers • Explore Future Business Opportunities • Get the latest updates from experts to stay ahead • Network & get inspired by leaders • Increase your knowledge base & Learn about new technology TARGET AUDIENCE • Gynecologists-Obstetricians • Pediatricians and Oncologist • Biotechnology and Clinical Research Organization • HealthCare Professionals • Researchers, Scientists • Policymakers, Influencers • Software for Health industry & management • Key Decision Makers, Government Heads & Officials HIGHLIGHTS • Recent Research and Advancement • Breast Cancer • Pregnancy and Pre/Post-natal Care • Infertility and ART • Mensuration and Menopause • Reproduction • Hormones Replacement Therapy • Endometriosis • Women's Health Policy and Issues Join us and witness the booming industry by participating at i-Women Health 2021 and give your career and business access to new opportunities from throughout the world. Submit Abstract here: https://www.iwomenhealthconference.com/submit-abstract Registration https://www.iwomenhealthconference.com/registration [ Link Details ] |
International Vaccines and Virology Conference - https://www.ivaccinesconference.com/ [ Link Details ] |
International Conference and Expo on Otolaryngology — Skull based surgery - https://ent.cmegatherings.com ENT Conference: World's biggest Otolaryngology Congress is scheduled for scientific community in 2021. Participate at our Otorhinolaryngology meeting at London [ Link Details ] |
8th International Conference on ENT Surgery - https://ent-surgery.global-summit.com/ 8th International Conference on ENT Surgery in London, UK from July26-27, 2021 present cutting edge scientific aspects for modern innovation. The main motive of the 8th international conference on ENT surgery is to serve international platform for exchanging ideas, establish networks and increase awareness against recent otolaryngology research programs around the globe. [ Link Details ] |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS - https://www.gynecology.scientexconference.com/ Scientex Conference invites all the specialists across the world aspiring updated research at Gynecology 2021, during November 22-23, 2021 at Dubai, UAE. [ Link Details ] |
Recycling - https://recyclingcongress.environmentalconferences.org/ 19th Global Recycling Expo proudly invitations participants throughout the globe to Global Recycling Expo all through October 04-05, 2021 in London, UK which incorporates set off keynote displays, Oral talks, Poster displays and Exhibitions. We are overjoyed to mention that it's miles the Global Recycling Expo with a purpose to be held in a lovely town of London, UK and therefore we invite you all to wait and register. [ Link Details ] |
International Conference on Dementia and Dementia Care - https://www.dementia.scientexconference.com/ Dementia 2022 welcomes all the eminent professional scholars, researchers and beloved students to be a part of this “International Conference on Dementia and Dementia Care” scheduled on February 07-08, 2022 | Paris, France. The meet will be dealt with around the theme "Novel Approaches and Care towards the patients with Dementia". DEMENTIA CARE 2022 will be your best opportunity to reach the largest assemblage of participants from around the world on a single platform. The event will provide a great opportunity to showcase your research and receive recognition and certificates signed by our World-class eminent organizing committee at this 2-days conference. The Dementia 2022 consists of several sessions to present research in the category of keynote, plenary, poster, exhibitor, workshop, video presentation, e-poster and YRF. Join us to enhance your experiences and enlighten the future exchange of knowledge on Dementia Care and Research ideologies. Let us meet and explore in City of Lights, PARIS. [ Link Details ] |
파워볼사이트 - https://pattern-wiki.win/wiki/Vegas_Has_Come_to_Be_a_Popular_Travel_Destination_For_Gamblers_and_Gambling_Enthusiasts How Can a London Pleasure Palace Casino Function? A set of old Finnish keno betting slips is a fast and simple lottery-type betting game available only today online casinos and available as a downloadable game from some state lotteries, too. Each casino establishes its own assortment of payoffs, also known as"payables. [ Link Details ] |
a - http://ww.w.fasozine.com/component/search/?searchword=Recherche...&searchphrase=all&Itemid=111 a [ Link Details ] |
Trick Judi Online Untung Beberapa ratus Juta - http://www.hera.wiki/index.php/Keuntungan_Taruhan_Poker_Online_No_Robot Kerjakan taruhan judi online dengan cara nyata jadi satu diantaranya kebun keuntungan yang cukupan. Banyak bettor dapat mendapati pemasukan dari taruhan dengan prosentase sampai beberapa ratus juta. Yang perlu di tempat ini beberapa bettor sanggup untuk menempatkan serta jalankan skema penempatan taruhan yang presisi. Terdapat beberapa cara judi yang dapat didalami yang dapat memberinya kamu keuntungan dari setiap waktu pasang taruhan. [ Link Details ] |
YY - http://actionfun.net As with everything in life, it precipitates to preference. You are an individual are in life because within the choices in which you made along side way. [ Link Details ] |
2nd World Congress on Primary Healthcare and Medicare Summit - https://www.primaryhealthcare.scientexconference.com/ We are delighted to invite the researchers & experts from the arena of Healthcare to register for “2nd World Congress on Primary Healthcare and Medicare Summit” which is going to be held on NOVEMBER 07-09, 2022 at PARIS, FRANCE. Healthcare Conferences 2022 offers all participants an opportunity to benefit from Plenary Lectures, Keynote Addresses, Review and Forecast Papers, Poster Presentations and Panel discussions. Healthcare Conferences reaches across the globe, public and private medical sectors to connect and inspire physicians, healthcare executives, leaders, venture capitalists, diagnostics, medical practitioners of the healthcare value chain. [ Link Details ] |
2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION - https://www.foodscience.scientexconference.com/ Food Science Conference 2022 welcomes speakers, OCMs, researchers, scholars, students, and other delegates from Paris, France, Dubai. London, USA, Asia, Europe, Australia, and 50+ countries across the globe to gather and network with their peers at Food Science 2022 in the month of November [ Link Details ] |
Joker - https://playslotjoker123.net Let's imagine, for a moment, a person can are refining their plans fund raiser. Tend to be two two players here along with the deck is divided evenly most notably. Third, find a better website of slot machine s. [ Link Details ] |
33rd European Pediatrics Conference - https://europe.pediatricsconferences.org/ 33rd European Pediatrics Conference September 05-06, 2022 Berlin, Germany Theme: Fostering New Advancements in Ameliorating Child Health Home | Conference Brochure | Submit Abstract | Scientific Sessions Conference series takes pleasure in inviting the scientific community across the globe to attend the 33rd European Pediatrics Conference during September 05-06, 2022 at Berlin, Germany with a motto to Fostering New Advancements in Ameliorating Child Health Euro Pediatrics 2022 aims to discover advances in health practice opportunities and challenges for the pediatrics community, management and education in relation to health disparities as well as a breadth of other topics. According to the reports, there are near 3.5 million pediatrics professionals in the workforce today, representing about three of each five human services proficient and specialized employments in the nation, or 57 percent of the 6.1 million employments in Health expert and specialized occupations. For abstract submission, please visit: https://europe.pediatricsconferences.org/abstract-submission.php Euro Pediatrics 2022 Conference will encourage Young Researcher’s Forum, scientists and the researchers in their early stage of career graph to widely discuss their outcome so as to enrich and develop the idea. The ‘Best Poster Award’ is meant to encourage students in taking active part in the International Science platform to sharpen their skills and knowledgebase. The important tracks that are part of Euro Pediatrics 2022 includes Pediatrics, Neonatology and Perinatology, Pediatric Oncology & Hematology, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Pediatric Allergy and Asthma, Pediatric Neurology, Clinical Pediatrics, Pediatric Cardiology, Pediatric Orthodontics, Pediatric Nephrology, Pediatric Endocrinology, Pediatric Dermatology, Pediatric Nursing, Pediatric Surgery, Child and Adolescent Obesity, Pediatric Nutrition, Pediatric Orthopedics, Pregnancy and Childbirth, Treatments of Pediatric Diseases, Pediatric Diagnostic Techniques, Pediatric Surgeons Meeting, Commercialization, Pediatric Infectious Disease. The Abstracts that are accepted for presentations are published in the proceedings of the Journals like Journal of Pediatrics & Therapeutics, Journal of Pediatrics & Health Research. Grab the opportunity to participate by registering through flowing link: https://europe.pediatricsconferences.org/registration.php For further details, please contact. Regards, Keira Wilson| Program Director Euro Pediatrics-2022 *For quicker reply, WhatsApp us on +44 3308187501 Email:europediatrics@europemeet.com [ Link Details ] |
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2nd Global meeting on Diabetes and Endocrinology - https://www.diabetes.scientexconference.com/ Greetings! Scientex Conference is cheerful to declare the Hybrid event “2nd Global Meeting on Diabetes and Endocrinology” has been declared on November 21-23, 2022 in Paris, France with the success of Diabetes & Endocrinology 2021 conference. Theme: Modern medical research and application on diabetic condition & endocrinology function [ Link Details ] |
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